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DCODX and SecDim are joining forces to provide a continuous secure code learning solution

In the rapidly evolving world of software engineering, practicing the latest secure coding topics is crucial for developers. However, DCODX, a leader in developer security training, has identified a significant challenge: many developers do not practice their acquired knowledge, often waiting until their next annual training session. This leaves them unprepared for emerging security vulnerabilities and making it harder to keep up with the constantly changing cybersecurity landscape.

To address this issue, DCODX is joining forces with SecDim, the world’s first developer-centric attack and defence wargame. This collaboration aims to provide a continuous learning solution, ensuring developers not only acquire the latest topics but also regularly apply and hone their secure coding skills year-round. 

SecDim offers a gamified environment where developers can tackle real-world-inspired secure coding challenges. By engaging in exploitation and remediation exercises in a wargame format, developers remain motivated and engaged. The collaborative nature of the platform fosters a deeper understanding and retention of critical security concepts, making the learning process both interactive and effective.


Through this partnership, DCODX will offer their flagship secure development Masterclasses on-demand through SecDim. This collaboration transforms the way developers maintain and enhance their security skills, ensuring that the knowledge gained during DCODX’s Masterclass training sessions is consistently reinforced and expanded upon.


This partnership marks a pivotal step forward in advancing developer security education and ensuring developers remain at the forefront of their field.

Don’t miss out! Contact us for upcoming DCODX developer security training or sign up on SecDim for a self-paced and in-repository secure code learning.

About SecDim

SecDim is the world’s first developer-centric attack and defence wargame to learn secure coding, where you master finding and fixing security vulnerabilities that are inspired by real world security incidents.
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About DCODX is the leading provider of secure coding and DevSecOps training for developers. Our expertise is recognized at leading industry conferences such as DEF CON, BlackHat, and DevSecCon, where we share our knowledge and passion for security.